Jul 8, 2010

$ 1800 coaster

About six years ago my husband decided it was time that it was time for me to enjoy the luxury of my own computer and we purchased a laptop. I was thrilled for I would use the family computer for a variety of tasks including research for custom art work, creating promotional materials for organizations for which I was involved, and downloading countless reference and family photos. My tendency to collect and hoard art materials extended into the digital world as I would save duplicate files, preliminary drafts, old emails and so many as thirty shortcuts slowing the start up time. The real advantage of me having a personal laptop was that, now, my husband was allowed the freedom to enjoy a computer that worked properly and wouldn't freeze up for neglect of running the proper virus scans when suggested. Now when I got my computer it was the lasted thing, great memory, operating time etc. and considerably smaller that any desk top version. The cost was considerably more than you can obtain a laptop for today. This computer has served me well and I feel quite comfortable with it on my lap typing away, especially in the winter months as it would keep me warm. I'm currently using my husbands little notebook computer purchased recently at walmart for under 250 to check email and expedia while traveling and about 1/3 the size of my beast. I have art reference books smaller than my laptop! I'm not complaining mind you, its just an observation. It didn't occur to me that mine is slow or big until getting my hands on the compact keyboard of the notebook and this came about by mere accident. My six year old silver lap warmer has been temporarily turned into nothing more than a very expensive coaster for lack of proper maintenance. So, while I wait for the "computer guy" to unravel the maze of mistakes I have made over the last six months - it collects dust, rather than ideas.

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