Oct 4, 2010

Its the simple things

Coffee is coffee right? Not so. I have always been slightly amused by those who refuse to partake in anything less than the best, but as I dare I say, mature- I too have adopted this philosophy. Nothing against instant coffee, American Cheese, and white bread they all serve their purpose in the interest of time or economics. The kids like it,you say, but do you? You know it is possible to for go mediocrity and reach for the whole grain oat bread that makes a simple sandwich more of a treat than something you just slap a piece of wimpy bologna to shove into your bag while swigging down your instant coffee on your way toward the rush hour traffic. So, you choose, on your lunch break which would you rather find in your bag, a soggy yellow mustard enhanced bologna sandwich or a roasted turkey breast and provolone, red leaf lettuce and tomato or avocado to your liking, and a gentle spread of whole grain mustard and mayo on a multi-grain bread. Now this may not be your specific sandwich of choice, but you get the idea, whatever your "Dagwood" is go for it, its gotta be better than the last ditch effort of raiding the candy machine or stealing a co-workers yogurt. It takes the same amount of time to prepare as looking blankly into your fridge for something magical to appear.

Same is true for coffee, my "special coffee" as I call it takes a little longer but its worth it. Its not just the end result of the coffee in hand but also the process in which it is created that sets the stage for the meditative state im in when i sit down to enjoy it. I have a routine that works perfectly for me, after taking the dogs to the bathroom, always first priority, I stumble toward the kitchen, turn on espresso maker to heat up, unload the dishwasher, about 4 minutes later I load the chamber with coffee I had ground earlier in the week, push a button and Shazam! The perfect cup- a little sugar and half and half stirred in gently as to not disturb the natural foaming action that occurs toward the end of brewing. I make my way to the table or patio and contemplate the universe and its wonders without splashing it on my shirt on the way out the door. All it takes is 20min to decompress and awaken the soul. For me, its the simple things.

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