What was once reserved for quiet moments late at night while the house was asleep, now can be accomplished anywhere by my i-phone. My husband pointed out, it has been months since I have written on my blog. This is in part due to lack of sufficient content, like I have said before I think it is a waste of everyone's time to just ramble on with out a real message. I may depart from that philosophy for the moment just to get back in the swing of things. As it turns out those quiet moments, I used to write, have been better utilized by actually sleeping. Who would have guessed. Now, I can make a few notes when inspiration strikes, save as a draft and flesh out later. Perhaps a simple notebook would better serve the purpose who knows.
Everyday events prompt ideas for my blog and consequently the ultimate message. Sometimes life happens too fast - it should be savored for all its beauty and flaws. Heartbreak and rib busting laughter, sometimes fall within a few minutes in our house, as we deal with challenge or sorrow in a weird way.
The Unexpected Call.......
For instance many years ago, we were mourning the loss of my mother in law for which I had cared for the past three years in our home. We had spent the last ten days or so in the hospital looking over her while in a comma and finally she faded away before us. Watching a life pass from one world to another is truly a humbling experience.
We are rather private people and in times of crisis we usually trudge along on our own. We spoke to a friend the week before about Eva falling and breaking a hip and had to be put in the hospital, and then getting pneumonia . We hadn't talked since and then Kathy called the day after Eva passed. Still feeling rather raw from the ordeal, I was standing in the doorway to her now empty room really feeling the loss, when our friend asked, " I was just calling to ask, how is Steve's mother ?"
It was so ironic -I didn't know what to say. I burst into laughter and through the laughs, I relayed the call to Steve, searching for a "proper answer." Now, my husbands entire career was in the medical field and witty responses were of the norm to soften the intensity of loss; so, what followed shocks many, but not me. I was thrown a little off guard though, which is just what I needed.
It was then that Steve told me to tell Kathy -" She is stable and voicing no concerns." I was about to crack up, but I repeated the phrase, with a small amount of reverence," She is stable and voicing no concerns." You see stable, just means - no change in vital signs - and concerns are few. Then my giggle exploded, I mustered up the last bit of dignity that remained and explained she had passed the day before and apologized for being so crass - but she said, everyone deals with grief in a different way.
just plain cross the line of good taste, are the grit that make up the content of our lives. My husband is an incredible story teller and at gatherings the photos snapped catch him in an animated pose - arms outstretched, eyebrows raised and people leaning in to hear the next line. Often over morning coffee stories yet untold emerge and I am still intrigued to this day. His service as a field medic in Vietnam, weekends with the National Guards, and an extended career in the medical field and director of the psych. ward provide ample material for several books. I'm not sure it would be a comedy or a tragedy as books once had to be classified. According to some, life is kinda a tragic joke- you might as well roll with it.
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