Oct 12, 2010

Tugging at the Soul

Cosmic Forces- 11x14 Acrylic SOLD

Why am here? What is my calling? Have I made a difference? These are questions that might rise up during the course of ones life. These questions are not to be taken lightly as they get to the very source of this gift of life we are given. How we choose to live, reflects not only our convictions but also how much we value life itself. Most try to live an honorable life,abiding by the law of the land and of our creator. Supporting our families, providing emotional and financial stability, guidance,good education, and unconditional love are things we strive for.

One must come to understand that we have the power to make change but forever berate ourselves thinking we fall short because we didn't make big change in this world like ending world hunger, saving lives, or inventing some miracle drug. Why is it we cannot be satisfied with the small changes that directly effect the future course of one who may. So maybe we didn't feed a whole village, but we can sponsor one child or volunteer at our local elementary or raise money within our civic groups to provide much needed scholarships to those who strive for an education that will have a profound impact. With this in mind no one person or occupation is any more or less valuable than the other. How can we put down those who push a broom when is a vital and necessary task. We live as a village, whether we know it or not, everyone applies their skill and in turn gets their turn at the hunt of the day. Some get the more favored pieces as is true of this society but all are given nourishment and respect when they do their part. To make an impact is what we strive for,and sometimes at life's end do we even know who's lives we have touched. All we can do is do our best today, if a friend is in need take time to listen. If you feel compelled to give of your time or to a particular cause- give. If someone has wronged you, forgive before they have a chance to ask. Be forthright- tell it like it is, don't stand for injustice. Take a good look at who you are, what makes you tick, what are you impassioned by and nurture it- this is your opportunity to do what you are meant to do.

Sometimes, best intentions fall short and not all these needs are met which causes pain and misfortune. Others yet,lack ambition to aspire to what would seem, innate responses and stumble through life causing pain.

For those who strive to do it all,it is difficult to maintain balance between being what is needed by our family, our own ambitions or desires, needs of the world and the voice of God. Do we pour our whole being into our career and leave no room for love of another, enjoyment of this incredible world we inhabit, all to earn enough to live a "comfortable life" . How can this be comfortable? So they might have a successful career, but at what cost.

So many careers are elevated by others to a higher level because they positively impact human kind in dramatic ways- such as a Doctor saving lives, a teacher building lives, psychologist helping people cope, preachers saving souls, women bearing children and shaping lives and yes, the arts who are are conduit to the soul and bringing enjoyment to the life we have after we have toiled doing good for others.

There was a time not too long ago that I truly struggled with my life's mission- to the point of heart wrenching tears, thinking I should contribute more, do more, accomplish more. I was scared for my future thinking I need to get it together and get a real job. I was miserable until I fully devoted myself to my art, and opened a commercial studio. This act provided the needed structure to pursue my work where as before taking care of the family trumped most efforts and I only yielded a couple paintings a month, if that. You must constantly reinvent yourself, to grow. All I know is I feel more whole now than I have in a long time, maybe this is my life's calling- until the tide takes me elsewhere, I'm cool just hanging out doing my thing.

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