Mar 15, 2016

Take my hand

As a young person there was a strict standard of behavior regarding public displays of affection in the school.   PDA , they call it.  This used to be an understanding based on a moral compass passed down from one generation to the next , basically being honorable and respectful and not acting in such a way that would bring shame upon them or their family.   Schools take this to a new extreme today not allowing even primary age children hug or skip holding hands as  prepubescent girls once did.

While it should be obvious that it is improper for  couples to make out in public however this is pushed to the limits by a few thrill seekers .  Others maintain the rigidity enforced  in the school where human touch is forbidden even when most needed. Some adults find it awkward to give or recieve a simple hug from a coworker or student and dare not extend a compassionate gesture to the distraught family member of a critical patient for fear of a lawsuit of sexual harassment.

There are those for whom touch is denied or overlooked. What about the widow who has held the hand of their spouse for the last sixty years, suddenly is without that contact.  Uncomforted are those who have a contagious or unsavory illness or bad personal hygene which elicts fear or uneasyness.

 Something so simple as human touch is being forced out of the norm.  I once was cautious of the huggers out there, it was just wierd to be hugged in part due to the fact I didn't get many hugs as a small child while with my biological mother.  As a youth I craved attention,   I would hover around the teachers desk awaiting approval even if I knew how to solve the math problem .  An awareness developed as I learned  not all people held my best interests at heart.  Once , my husband and I were faced with one of those overly animated church hugs they seem to pass around to all the new comers, a handshake welcome is fine, thank you until we actually become better aquainted.  Always keeping people literally as well as figuratively at arms length, if I  didn't develop a bond then nothing could be lost. I couldn't have been more wrong.  One isn't intended to survive in a vaccum, let alone thrive.

 It wasn't until love found me that this total acceptance and nurturing began and we became perpetual newly- weds.   A simple hug from friends soon became the norm.  To walk out into the world hand in hand is one of the greatest joys , a proclaimation of sorts.  This is the one I adore so, take my hand and walk with me.   By your side forever , I'll be.  Hold my coat. Open the door and please feel free to call me pet names in the presence of others. Let kisses land on my cheek or shoulder, Let me hug your brush the crumbs off your shirt or play with your hair.  It seems this is only natural, but for some who don't hold their partners arm or fail to flirt with their spouse a bit miss an incredible opportunity to embrace the joy of unfettered affection that keeps the embers glowing even after thirty years.

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