Apr 28, 2011


There are few things that I do routinely, routine to me is like a cage - I like to break out. The one thing that you can count on is the making of that first glorious cup of coffee. No, I don't drink a whole pot of coffee, but from that lead up you may think that my love of coffee has become a "problem". What I enjoy is a nice cup of what the aussies call a flat white, with. Now- that basically means I don't have to wait in line at Starbucks- I just run it through my espresso machine, watch for the nice foam it makes and add a little cream and sugar and enjoy. But, what started out as this nice little morning ritual has become something of a comedy show with the aid of my husband dear friend- Rambo. Now, you know how attuned boarder collies can be- well this little guy has no sheep to tend so he corrals me unfortunately. When I emerge from the bedroom after a good hard sleep, wandering over to the espresso machine I instinctively click it on , (all hell breaks loose) Ruff, Ruff , RUUUU-Uf!!!!, expressing his feelings about me having the audacity to do something so bold as to make a cup of coffee. As I walk across the room and busy my self while it warms up- unloading the dishwasher- he goes and lies down- good boy I think.....but I know its not over yet. Having finished that task....I return to my dear, sweet cup of coffee in the works- dog under foyer table , check, grab the handle on the coffee ground catch - RUFF< RUFF< he scrambles his long nails across the hardwood floor running toward me- puts on the brakes and slides into my leg. I scold him for what that is worth, and proceed, empty grounds with a light tap into the garbage disposal- ah, now the other dog joins in thinking there is someone at the door. All I want is a damn cup of coffee. This process goes on through the duration lasting the longest most hysterical minute and a half ever. Ah, coffee. I sit down- knowing I have done my part giving this inside cattle dog a job for a few minutes anyway-

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