Apr 28, 2011

Honey Comb Tile

One morning before my shower a small ant on the bathroom floor caught my attention, not because ants don't belong in the house, but because of its strange behavior. Well, I thought it strange at the time. This little guy was going way out of its way to end up in the same place it started. Tracing the pattern of the honey comb tile going this way, then that, within the groove between the tiles. Sometimes it would zig-zag as far as eight tiles from the starting point but somehow slowly worked its way back to where it started. I Secretly urged this little creature to go against the pre-set pattern and jump the track, so to speak and get on with it already- he could have retreated to a floor board and be reunited with his little friends outside. But, no .... there he was lost and confused in a sea of white tiles all alone exhausted from making the same mistakes over and over. It would seem that even the lowly ant would vary from this pattern and pull himself up over the crack to where he could see what lie before him and make better time. But there are some who only can see what lie directly before them even if the path is full of gunk holding you back.

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