Nov 12, 2011

Being Human

Medicine wheel- photo taken on the enchanted circle- Taos, New Mexico

My husband has been planning this trip for a year and had found the ideal place for an artist to soak up the light and energy so sought after. Taos, New Mexico- the land of enchantment the sign reads as we cross the boarder. Who knew? This land is truly blessed not only by the magical light that is cast across its mountain villages but also the inner light that seems to emanate from everyone we encounter.

We take our time getting there, its vacation after all and I'm not exactly what they call an iron butt. That is a term reserved for those who, when asked, “ Where were you yesterday ?”and they simply reply," Montana." I think, ok- that like 12 hours from here, "When did you did you go?” And then they say, " I left after breakfast yesterday." There is no way I could do that, I get road weary and am constantly filling my water bottle because I dry out quickly on my bike. I like to take our time and a few pictures along the way and I've never encountered a tourist trap I didn't like. That said, it took us three days to get there. We had traveled 886 miles uneventfully!

We arrive at Arro Seco a little artist village in the mountains 10 minutes from Taos. Beautiful! Now vacation begins we think and smile. We have reservations at the Abominable Snow Mansion a little hostel just at that base of the Ski Resort. How perfect! The owner of the hostel grew up in Morning Star Commune in the sixties, we were in for a treat- 6 glorious days of hangin with the hippies, sipping coffee and painting. Road weary, we pull into the gravel parking lot at dusk and try to find a level spot for the bikes, it was then I hear a loud roar. Steve's 1500 cubic inches powering up an incline toward the alley to find better parking. Before I could put my kickstand down, his front tire sinks into the 6 inches of loose gravel and stops dead- hitting a lip of asphalt,. Unfortunately his back tire keeps going and sent the bike careening down and lands on his left leg. He can hear it crack. A gentle soul rushes to his side, her calm voice is intoxicating. Laying a hand on his shoulder she comforts him and evaluates the severity of his injuries. I seat my bike in the gravel, put kick stand down and run to him. He calmly says I broke my leg.

It is now when we begin to understand how this place is different from other places- love and compassion enveloped us. Lying there the bike almost upside down on him from the incline Steve remained calm, he looked up at our new friend and he asked are you a healer, and she said yes. Now, Steve has been in the medical field for 40 years and never have I heard him refer to anyone as a healer- there are doctors, nurses and the like, all vital, but she, was truly a healer. By the mere nature of her presence, his blood pressure was maintained and kept him from going into shock as soon as one might. She asked about his pain, and she offered to do some Rake' healing as she passed an open hand over his chest and went on to tell him how calm he was. His pain was diminished. He instructed me to get several items and secure them in the bike bag before the ambulance came and to get his wallet fom his pocket and medication from the bike. All the while several residents of the hostel would rally to lift and move this giant bike out of the way. Again, calmly Steve said, “ Im going into shock, I need a blanket” within a couple minutes another resident gently covered him with a collection of crocheted blankets and offered a mound of pillows just in case.

We were to stay there at the Snow Mansion that night and still uncertain of the prognosis, maybe its just sore from the impact we hope, but in the back of our mind – we know. I exchange numbers with our new friend as night was upon us and the office would be closed- I asked if we need a ride back out here could I call on her. She of course said, “definitely, just let me know” and added,”let me know if its broken- “ I told her if its broken and they release him, we will just get a room in Taos. She and I exchanged texts a few times that night – with the final text from her containing- a blessing of love and light to you both. How wonderful, I felt it too as I shared the message with Steve now on the cold exam table with a light cotton gown and a generous supply of blankets.

The prognosis

At 2:30 am I walk back from the bathroom in the emergency room and I catch a glimpse of the x-ray at the nurses station- and peer closer, yep, broken. I ask the doctor to make sure its his film I'm looking at, so much for Hippa laws- could have been any ones but the likely hood is the lower left fibula would be too much of a coincidence. The doctor comes and and tells us its a simple spiral break- thank goodness no surgery. They fit him with a custom made fiberglass stirrup walking cast till he can see the orthopedic surgeon in Taos on Monday. I call the hotel the paramedic recommended earlier, when I asked for suggestions, unfortunately they don’t have shuttle service or extra staff that could even offer to pick us up. I ask the paramedic if there is taxi service, of course not, its a tourist town, what since would that make? I bet the police would give us a ride- I suggest to him. And that is what we did, at 3:30 am Sunday morning we happily wind our way down into the back of a cramped dodge charger squad car complete with high impact plastic form fitting seats made for that of an eighteen year old boy. A short ride to the hotel, we embark on another challenge- how to get to our room that was in the farther most end of the building. That is when the night manager Chris- got inventive and pushed Steve on a simple rolling office chair down three corridors to our room- the only smoking room available. Fortunately it had an outdoor access but that is no use at this point because we didn't have a car.

Exhausted we settle into our rooms with nothing but the clothes on our backs. Steve , even less because the over zealous paramedic cut his jeans off . He had to ride to the hospital with his motorcycle jacket covering himself, well, because undergarments aren't required when riding across the desert. The other paramedic, a young woman ,offered her apologies, and just said to Steve, “ Sorry about that, he's new.” Upon dismissal the nurse gets him a pair of scrubs which she cuts the left leg off to allow for the cast- very stylish indeed- serves the purpose. I get our dinner a mere 8 hours later, two cans of coke and a small bag of chips from the vending machine – yum , and fall into bed at 4:30 am Sunday morning.

A few hours later I go to the dinning room and bring back the complimentary hot breakfast- eggs to order- bacon the works- we were famished- our last meal was at 11:00 am the day before.

Back to bed for a little nap before I deal with the necessities of getting a ride back to Arro Seco, where the bikes remain, to pick up clothes and valuables and of course Steve's insulin. I call Carla – the angel from the night before and she cheerfully picks me up and we hang out at the hostel a bit after I gather our things to decompress. We share life stories on overstuffed furniture in the outdoor shelter. The breeze is passing through effortlessly, as it is situated with the sun patterns and air flow in mind. Efficiency , something we underestimate . We laugh about the turn of events- and our unusual arrival at the hotel and the fact that we now need to find a way to get the bikes home and get to the orthopedic surgeon. She tells me of what an inspiration we are. I'm puzzled. “ Why”, I ask. She said that many people would be panicked at the time of the accident and freaked out, “ What good would that do,” I ask. Well, she said it wouldn't, but its an option, she laughs. I excuse myself and, go to my bike and retrieve a small bag- I had brought little gifts to share with people along the way that impacted us in some positive way- items I had made from my shop. I pulled out my little bag and told Carla this and presented her with a little window charm that has natural elements and gemstones including my favorite piece of turquoise positioned on a walnut slice to frame. I told her it was to just bring her good energy and healing on her journey. I didn't know how this might be received, Im a little weird, but she was really taken aback and pleased. I just wanted to share a little joy , in that she had shared the gift of friendship to a total stranger traveling in a tough situation. “The ablity to share the burden, makes it lighter.” she says. I probably would have called my mother but she passed right before our trip. Im still having a hard time dealing with the fact she isn't just a call away- maybe she is closer, who knows.
All in all, Steve and I had a great time. Once we got the details out of the way we decided to make the most of it. We modified our plans to more crutch friendly activities in which we found much pleasure. And all the while we were faced with an outpouring of kindness. On one day we shopped around Taos – sometimes just parking in front of gallery and going in- at one point later in the day Steve was starting to tire and remained in the car- while I went in to a fair trade shop adorned with tons of bags, hammocks and the like hanging outside. It was from the comfort of the car that the shop keeper helped him make a selection and secured the sale, a gift for our daughter. Now , how cool is that?

The next day we toured the enchanted circle- something we had planned to do. This route can take two and a half hours to all day depending on what strikes your interest along the way- we made a day of it. One of the most endearing experiences was when I got to know Susie as she gave me a full tour of her home on a whim. As we were driving the road from Taos through the mountains, I was awe struck by her incredible house on the hill- multiple levels of rock gardens, hand crafted decks, shelters, and terraces lead up to the main house which rose about 4 stories up the mountain.

We stop along side the road at a respectful distance to take a few photos- I approach as I see more and more details that indicate this house is occupied by someone with a true since of self and her surroundings. My camera strains to focus across the road – it was then I see her emerge from the top tier of the house- long gray hair floating in the breeze framed by bright blue painting around her front door. I call to her across the highway and up the hill telling her how wonderful her rock garden is and ask if this is her studio- immediately assuming such because of the artful treatment of her front door – she cant hear me, crossing the road I repeat myself and request if I can take some pictures and add that im an artist, I learn that she is in fact an artist and her studio is usually open but this season she decided to close and focus on building the terraces. She had actually built these herself from the fallen wood in the forest around her home. She doesn't hesitate to invite me in for a full tour.

Moving from one room to the next I am soaking up the rich textures and elements from her travels abroad as they fit so naturally in the space, she allows pictures and poses for a couple. She is so open with her stories of growth and heartbreak and sorrow as she explains her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had undergone chemo and radiation and also a special needs child. She tells me that when her daughter was recovering she occupied herself drawing butterflies. We arrive at the daughters room, there on the walls were countless hand drawn butterflies with an innocence I have never encountered. Beautiful- I look at them flowing across the 13 foot walls into every corner. I am overwhelmed with emotion- I feel it. All that is wrapped up in a life threatening illness- fear, confusion, anger, hope, despair , acceptance and joy that comes with recovery. I decide, no pictures will be taken of this room – it would be a violation. Tears come to my eyes and I have to walk away because it hits a little too close to home.

She continues the tour showing me the tpee where she does therapeutic massage and the sweat lodge in the process of being rebuilt and finally her studio and humming bird balcony. I thank her for opening her home and sharing her story ,we exchange info and I descend down the rocky path. I stop intrigued by a large handwoven spiral element above my head- I pass under. It looks like a dream catcher but it is horizontal. I call up the hill and ask her what it is and she told me it is a medicine wheel she made it when her daughter fell ill- bringing focus to what is good. Steve was waiting for me in the car because he had a broken leg, when I return I'm so psyched telling him all about it- he suggests I give her one of my window charms- what a great idea, I grab my little paper bag that contains the other one I brought, and leap back up the path calling out to her- I tell her how I brought gifts to share to those that impacted me – I told her it was a true gift to come upon her and to hear her story and I wish she and her daughter healing and energy. She hugs me tightly, eyes a bit misty she tells me she has just the place for it- hanging from the medicine wheel at the base of the garden.

Thank you to those of you who remember the value of being human.

Carla- the healer, Amu-the hostel owner who loaded bikes in the back of the Uhaul-and strapped them down, Susan- from the house on the hill, The Shop keeper – who offered allowed Steve to literally shop from the car- Verda- the lady who remembered my room number when I didn't, Chris the innovative night manager, and the guy who brought blankets to Steve at the time of the accident who gifted us a hand painted bark painting created on his travels. And then there are the paramedics and doctors and the wife of a patient in the next room faced with much more severe injuries. God Bless you all.

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