Oct 18, 2016

Slinging Paint

RASH the Jellyfish   BUY
As the years go by in my cozy studio and gallery, I get lost in the glorious action of slinging paint, finding meaning where once was only white canvas. As a multi-media artist there are so many creative pursuits that I feel compelled to utilize to tell life's story or just share a bit of joy with those who so desperately need it.  The drive to create is rather primal, and the experience visceral,  I am drawn to it like a moth to the light, sometimes to my detriment leaving me exhausted and refreshed at the same time.   I know as I'm getting older myself, I have only so much time as well, so I am driven like I haven't been before. What ever the chosen medium of the day, I find myself lost in it, hours go by, and with it, time for lunch or a much needed nap.  The desire to enter into this other realm of consciousness through whose door can only be opened through the right brain,  is so strong that many can not begin to understand. The music, the flickering candle and the smell of incense, begin the opening of the mind, from there its a higher power than I that takes the helm. As I try to redirect my busy mind , I  meditate  or read voraciously on obscure topics and  elements  in the natural world and spirituality, these activities seem to just feed the need to create . When deep in the process, a euphoria takes over , much like a runners high when you break through the barrier.    Visions, ideas , concepts, the desire to make a connection between souls,  I cannot escape it , it follows me everywhere, and wells up like steam in a kettle waiting to be released.  These ideas explode directly on the canvas if I'm lucky enough to be at the studio or if unavailable onto the pages of my sketchbook where they find new life next time I’m in front of a canvas or hunk of clay. I’m so blessed that I can share this enthusiasm with my husband and he smiles and loves me as if I had been at his side all day. I couldn’t have had a more blessed life. And on that note, it is time to just be….gone fishing .

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